Thursday, May 1, 2008

getting caught up...

Well, the worst case scenario for me and the Cowboy Carnival did indeed happen last week. My computer crashed andwe lost everything and had to have it rebuilt. Well, we are back online now, but I am scrambling to get things done this week for the carnival. So, sorry I have to neglect you all for a bit. I will try to post this weekend or early next week. We do have some good pictures from branding last weekend and Aunt Karrie and Madison's visit. Hope you all have a good week. Kyle is home as of last night, and Natalie and Baby Beckett are doing just fine. So, I guess all the important things that really matter are in order!!!


Ashli said...

And I thought that you were just living in the moment of your birthday for a while. Sorry about the computer. It is terrible to lose everything. We've been through it once, and now I hate forwards and have them blocked in the spam account so that I can check them BEFORE they get a chance to crash mine again. One great thing about Macs is that they don't get the viruses that others are so prone to. I hope you get things back up and running smooth again soon.

Forshee Family said...

I am sorry about your computer!
I feel like a real jerk I did not know you were branding. (if I did I forgot) I would have come and helped. I really em sorry. I think we should be around for carnival. Nathan and Kyle will have to play horse shoes again. Nothing like a horse shoe wine bottle holder for a first place prize.
I am so excited about Chuppie. Wow a horse I can haulter-what a novel thing!

Anonymous said...

Hey I kinda miss the name Seahorse, but I do love the name Beckett, But he will always been known to me as the little seahorse,Well anyways I hope to see some pictures soon since I won't be able to see you guys for awhile. Going through my withdrawals.

The DeCoteau's said...

I really like the name Beckett, and unlike Mandy, the little seahorse name kinda freaked me out. So, I am happy to speak of Baby Beckett and Baby Blake now.

Bob finally got his new boat, so you should check out the website if you get a chance. And, give me a call if you really do end up heading to Billings. Also, tell Kyle to find a weekend when we can take you guys out on the boat.