Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Jill's Update

Sorry, no pics today. Just a quick update on things our way. Jill was released from the hospital and went home Monday night. She continues to improve, as long as she doesn't overdo it at home. Thanks for all your good wishes.
As for us, our doctor appointment went great yesterday and everything is fine with me and Baby Beckett. Our due date is still about the first week of September. I've been having a few problems with my bad elbow and joint swelling agravating the nerves to my fingers, but not much to do about it right now. However, Kyle is now at the doctor for some bad ear pain, so thus opens another medical chapter in our lives! Natalie is doing great, despite a fall into the door and bum lip this morning. I'm finally getting caught up on the carnival stuff (would be fun to see lots of you there!) and hope to get some other errands done today. Hope you all are having a wonderful week. Hugs to all.
P.S. Mariah (or Anne), tell me what you're having as soon as you know so I can go shopping!!! Another friend of mine just told me she's pregnant too, so baby fever is in the air!


Forshee Family said...

I love your sons name!
We have been praying for Jill.
Kruze was born on 9/8/7 so shoot for 9/9/8. hehe

Ashli said...

Glad to hear that Jill is on the mend. She's a tough one. As for Kyle's ear, get some of that Willow Garlic Oil. It helped Myles' pain immediately. Something to keep on hand anyhow with another little one on the way. What's Beckett's middle name?

Anonymous said...

jessica..the gift certificates are ready for you at milly g's.....we may have to be closed tomorrow as we don't have enough help!! but they should be there with your name on them..........