Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Fun In The Mud

Well, We're back! I have not posted in so long, but we are finally getting back to normal in our house. Kyle has been gone again, and we've all been fighting an icky cold that we can't seem to shake. Natalie is on some cough medicine, which really helps her sleep at night. Hopefully we're turning the corner this week.

The Cowboy Carnival is also over and was a success, despite more rain here than I've ever seen since I moved here! It made me feel like we were back in Portland. Out pastures and ditches were flooding, and the grass is still so wet it feels like a sponge when you walk on it, even though it hasn't rained since yesterday morning. It's hard to complain about it when we're in a drought, I just would have preferred a different weekend! Anyway, it was sunny outside today after we went to story hour at the library, so Natalie and I were planting herbs outside. She wanted to swim, but it wasn't quite warm enough yet for our cold water. Before I knew it she decided she wanted to take a mud bath in our ditches where there are still puddles and several inches of mud! I tried to make her get out once, but then I said forget it. She was having too much fun.

She'll get me for this one later...
Hope you all have had a good last few weeks and are getting some nice weather. We have a chance of showers the rest of the week, the it's supposed to warm up for good. Kyle should be home sometime this week. We're here for a few weeks, then headed to see Karrie and Madison in Nebraska. At the end of June we head to Portland! Smiles and hugs to all.


Anonymous said...

Wow, Jess understates the success of the Carnival which she headed up. There was so much rain, that a huge part of the attraction, the horse races at the dirt landing strip were canceled. I dd not think many folks would show as a result but the turnout ended up great and Jess and her crew raised at least the intended goal. Five months pregnant, battling a cold and fatique, and she was there all day from early morning on. Kudos to you Jessa! The advertising and changes from last year were a big improvement and the food was great and plentiful. It was a short but great visit. Looking forward to your July visit in 6 weeks. IPA

Anonymous said...

Good evening, Great pictures! YOU are so TERRIFIC! The Cowboy Carnival was a huge success thanks to all YOUR hard work. After story hour did you do. You scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream? Have a wonderful night and we'll see you Fri. for supper. Kiss, Hugs, and Love to all of you!

Ashli said...

That is too cute. My kids are sitting here giggling like crazy.

Anonymous said...

Daddy sure misses you guys and gals. It sure looks muddy and wet be a good girl for mommy okay Natalie I will see you on Monday just three more days. Love you lots and miss you. Wifey miss you to tell beckett daddy loves him for me. See you soon.

JessicaT said...

Daddy, we love you too and were so happy to read your comment. Hopefully things will be dried up by the time you get home. It sure has made it easier to pull some weeds, though. We know you're working hard, and we can't wait for you to come home. Natalie keeps saying she wants to see you, and I watched a sappy movie tonight and cried thinking of you. I know you're laughing about that. Blame it on Beckett! Love you tons and can't wait to see you. XOXOXO, Wifey

Anonymous said...

I gotta say, the pictures are my favorite part!!! The picture of madison and natalie dancing is so cute!!! And the ones on the ponies, and the racoon, and the mud....I CANT WAIT for you guys to come visit, i am excited beyond belief. This is longest I have gone without seeing you guys, six whole months!!! And auntie Schumner will be here too!! Congrats on the carnival success, i knew your hard work would pay off. Hope everyone rids the colds soon and hope katy gets better too. Love you all,

love hb