Sunday, August 31, 2008

Fresh From The Vine

Although the days and nights seem to be getting a little cooler the last week, nothing says summer like watermellon fresh from the garden! We have some of the best this year, and we opened one up on the patio the other day and ate the whole thing! Natalie just loves it (as you can see) and was covered in juice from head to toe by the time we were done.

Still no Baby Beckett to welcome to the world, though I tried to promise some people at church this morning that I would have someone new to bring next week. I'm very proud that we made it two Sundays in a row the last two weeks because in August we have church at 7:30 a.m. instead of 9 because of the heat. I think we made it three out of 5 Sundays this month, which is not bad for 9 months pregnant and not sleeping, not to mention having to wake Natalie up to leave by 6:30 (it takes us an hour to get there). I just hate waking her up because she sleeps in so little as it is, but this morning she was up at 5:45 and didn't believe me that it was time to get ready for church because it was still dark. She did just fine, though, and Daddy was home to go with us!

I'm still keeping my glucose levels in check and doing home checks 5 times a day. I've actually had really low levels on and off, so things are OK. The ultrasound went fine Friday and showed him to be a little big, but not to the point I'm screaming c-section! I have an appointment Tuesday, so we'll see what the doc says. That's about all for now. I'm too tired and unmotivated to write anything else right now, so I'm just going to post what I wrote for the church newsletter this week. It sums up a lot of how I feel right now, getting ready to bring another precious child into an unstable world. Have a blessed week, and thanks for all the thoughts and prayers.

As my daughter prepares for her first day of preschool next week, I can’t help but think of how this is just the first step in a long march of first days of school. I wonder what each of our conversations will entail every time she embarks on a new year as she becomes an independent child, then a young adult who will form her own values and opinions and shape her own reputation.

I think too many parents today expect teachers to lay the stepping stones our children will need to make good choices and the “right” decisions. In fact, their morals and integrity must start at home with us and our faith. Our teachers do their best to keep our little ones on track in a class of 30 or so all day long, but the foundation must be laid at home and in our sanctuaries first.

As a parent of a young child I fear her being bullied or herself being mean to another kid because of peer pressure. One of my greatest regrets to this day, at age 30, is not standing up for one girl in particular who was teased and tormented every day in middle school. My heart ached for her while at the same time I was so thankful I wasn’t in her shoes. Theresa was very poor compared to most of the kids at our school, and she was always dirty and had holes in her clothes. She sat in the same corners of the classroom each day, just waiting for it all to begin. I was one of those kids who ran the middle of the road. I wasn’t extremely popular or unpopular- I was quiet a lot of the time and seemed to just fit in with everyone. However, I was not willing to give up that comfortable position to stand up for Theresa, and I regret it immensely still. I failed to act with integrity by not acting at all. I failed to follow a Christian path.

When she’s old enough I’ll tell Natalie that story and hope she can relate to it somehow. I want her to know that God created and loves everyone just as they are, regardless of insignificant things like wealth, clothes, skin color or gender. People are people, and most of us deserve respect. I want her to judge others with integrity, by what it really means to be a good person. I want her to be stronger and more confident than I was so she can make the right decisions and stand up for herself and others. The great Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. reminded us that it’s not what we do in times of comfort and prosperity that really matters, but rather what we do in times of instability and adversity that define who we are.

I am reminded of this during what is set to be the most historical election of our time. We will either elect the first black president or the first female vice president, either of which are huge steps forward in our historically frayed social system. Although our country was founded on many wonderful ideals and principals, such as religious freedom and democracy, we cannot deny it was built in part on the backs of blacks and women who were never given due respect or credit. I am trying to lead by example and make my decision for president based on real issues that will affect my children and the world they will live in, not party lines, race and false fears. The grave issues we face are not those of democrats or republicans, rich or poor, black or white. The decisions we make in the next few years must bring us together as people of God to ensure a future for our children and our planet. That’s something every responsible parent should want, regardless of political party. We must have faith that God will help us and see us through, even as we continue to choose between buying groceries or filling the gas tank one more time.

As I get Natalie dressed for school on Tuesday, I will keep all of this in mind. But I think I’ll just start her out with, “listen to your teachers and play nicely with the other kids.” That’s a good start for now.

Friday, August 22, 2008

The Bug Whisperer

Well, the big news news. I'm still cramping a lot but have not gone into full labor yet. Kyle is home now, so I'm sure nothing will happen now that I'm prepared! Yesterday Natalie and I went to a play date and lunch, then cleaned house a bit and got the bassinet ready. She still talks to Beckett every day to tell him to come out soon and play with her, and she asks a lot if it's time to go to the hospital! I also had fun getting caught up on some more scrapbooking last night. My friend Amanda gets people together once a week at her house after the kids go to bed to keep on top of things. Since Kyle was home I joined her from 9 to midnight, and it was a blast! I'm determined to be caught up on Natalie's book by the time I start Beckett's. Thanks Amanda!

And here is our "Bug Whisperer." I got her this bug house a few weeks ago, and many a grasshopper, beetle, spider and bee have met their demise in it. This morning was cooler, so the grasshoppers were a little slow. She got a huge one and toted him around for an hour outside on her hand and giving him stroller rides. She would put him down and say, "stay put because I'll be right back." They are her little live dolls for outside. It's really entertaining to watch. The morning was so beautiful we just sat outside for an hour or so with Daddy before he went to work. It made me feel that fall is upon us soon, and I just LOVE that time of year. I guess it's fitting that both my kids will have fall birthdays...

That's about it for news from the Tharp house. We'll keep everyone updated on the baby. Today Natalie and I will get a few errands done and have lunch with friends...and wait and wait and wait for Beckett! We hope this week brings peace and joy to you all.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Quick Update

Sorry, no pictures today!

I've had a long week with Kyle gone and some really bad cramping. Grandma and Grandpa Tharp were a huge help and took Miss Natalie for the weekend, so I camped out on the couch and didn't even vacuum or anything! I did get some good scrapbooking time in. The couch is pretty much the only comfortable place now, and I just wanted to hold off any major labor until Kyle got home. He did get home yesterday afternoon, and the doc said today things look good. He said to keep doing my normal routine, and if I go into labor, that's just fine. Yea! We had another ultrasound today because they thought Beckett might be breach, but everything is fine.

I had a fun but quick trip to the Billings area last week to get last minute baby stuff, and I got to meet Blake and hold her in Laurel. Lauren is a fantastic mommy, and I am so jellous right now! It will be so much fun to have babies the same age, and then Suzi and her second little girl will not be far behind! She's due in November, and we are just as excited to meet the next Smith Girl. Not much else is new here, Natalie and I are both glad to have Daddy home for a while, and she is still so excited to start school Sept. 2. We'll keep you guys updated and let you all know when the big action starts! Hope all is well with everyone and hugs to all.

P.S. We are also very pround of Auntie Sumner for passing her major exam this week to become a registered dietitian!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Dog Days of Summer

We have humming birds! I bought food for them at the beginning of the summer because I had seen one flying around last year. But I hadn't seen one until this week, so I put the food out and have had two since then. The feeder is right out the family room window, so it's fun for us to watch them. They are so cute!

And here is what Natalie calls "the big tractor" harvesting barley in front of our house earlier this week. They've had a lot of big equipment around this week, and she loves to watch out the window. The tractors and combines are so big these days it doesn't take them hardly any time at all to harvest...that's how we know fall will be here soon!
And this Sunday in church the Sunday School class did a really cute puppet show for us. It only took a few seconds before Natalie stuck her head up and started waving to Daddy. It was about people who want to live together and be friends in a town called Harmony. It was cute to watch.

Here's the bow at the end...Natalie was a bit behind the older kids. They are cousins Skylar and Brody, and even though they're older they play really well with her and Skylar loves to watch over her.

Not much is new with us. Kyle left for a week this morning. Natalie and I went to the park, the bank, to buy new finger paints and had lunch with Grandma Jill today. Lots of girl time before Beckett joins us! I'm headed to Billings Wednesday to do some last minute baby shoping for Beckett and some shoe shoping for Natalie. Grandma Jill has graciously offered to keep Natalie so I can go by myself, and I'm so excited to see Lauren and her new daughter who was born last week. It will be my last trip up before I have another little one of my own, so I'm looking forward to it. Hope you all are doing well and feel as blessed as we do. Hugs to all.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Our School Girl

Well, Natalie went and registered for preschool today! We stayed at the open house for more than an hour and of course had a fit when we had to leave. She doesn't understand she'll be coming back. Here she is before we left this morning giving a thumbs-up for school. The teachers are just great and have a ton of projects planned, so it will be a lot of fun for her. She starts the first week of September.

Here is a video of her playing with friends Hannah and Adison this weekend. We had the girls all day Sunday, and Daddy made them a "pool" in the ditch to swim in. They had a blast.

I had a routine doctor appointment yesterday and everything looks great. My blood pressure is even a little on the low side, and I lost a few pounds this week! I've been having very sharp, precise pain in my lower right side for the last 2 weeks, and she said Beckett is likely "resting" on my ovary and its large nerve, but it could also be a little cyst/tumor that we'll keep an eye on after I deliver. NOT a big deal, kind of common, she said. Anyway, the pain gets pretty bad sometimes and is starting to affect my sleep, so keep your fingers crossed that he's not a late baby! She said if I go another 2 or 3 weeks, then go into early labor I could have him then. We'll do a full exam to see if I'm dialated at the next visit. Not much else is new here, just cleaning up inside and out for a BBQ this Friday before Kyle leaves for North Dakota again. This will be his last trip before Beckett comes.

Natalie is really starting to think about Beckett a lot lately. The other day I got a little sick feeling when I picked her up to put her in the car, so I set her down and gave the proverbial, "whew." She asked what was wrong and I said my tummy just didn't feel good for a second. She patted my tummy and said, "Silly Beckett." It was so cute. And just this morning while driving to preschool she randomly asked if Baby Beckett was moving around. She'll also get on her play cell phone and talk to him, so I think she's excited to have a new brother...only time will tell how long it will last!

In other news, my good college friend Lauren had a baby girl yesterday! She did not have an easy labor, so I'm sending prayers for a quick recovery. Little Blake Marie was 7 pounds 1 ounce, and I can't wait to meet her when I go to Billings next week. Hope all is well with everyone.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Natalie's First Parade

This morning was Natalie's parade debut. It's fair week, so it was one of the bigger ones. We rode on the float to promote a one cent sales tax for community improvements. A lot of her play group friends were there, too, so she had a lot of fun. I think we threw out about 2o pounds of candy! This was her first of many parades, I'm sure...
Here she is with her friend Hailee...

And all the kids took turns riding on the bouncy horse. We had a late night last night because we watched Daddy pig wrestle at the fair. His team came in fourth with about a 16 second time, so they were out of the money, but it was a lot of fun to watch. We didn't get home until 10:30, so making the 8:30 float call this morning was a bit of a challenge...

We will head to the rodeo in Thermopolis tonight with Guy and Jill to celebrate Guy's birthday today, and tomorrow we'll have a day-long play date with some friends. Their mom has to work all day, so we're having the girls over to play at our house. They are four and almost two, and the three have a lot of fun together. I guess I'll get my first taste of what three kids would be like for a day! Cassidy (the mommy) has always been so good at helping me out when I need someone to watch Natalie, so I owe her big time. It should be fun, and I'm sure Natalie will sleep well tomorrow night!

My hips are a little sore from bleacher sitting so much at fair lately, but we only have 6 more weeks from today until Beckett's due date! Again...I could go for an early birthday (he he he). Kyle is actually home this weekend, which is nice since he didn't get any of his days off he was supposed to have this last week. He'll be home one more week and then head back to North Dakota next Monday. Hope all is well with everyone, and hugs to all.