Monday, August 11, 2008

Dog Days of Summer

We have humming birds! I bought food for them at the beginning of the summer because I had seen one flying around last year. But I hadn't seen one until this week, so I put the food out and have had two since then. The feeder is right out the family room window, so it's fun for us to watch them. They are so cute!

And here is what Natalie calls "the big tractor" harvesting barley in front of our house earlier this week. They've had a lot of big equipment around this week, and she loves to watch out the window. The tractors and combines are so big these days it doesn't take them hardly any time at all to harvest...that's how we know fall will be here soon!
And this Sunday in church the Sunday School class did a really cute puppet show for us. It only took a few seconds before Natalie stuck her head up and started waving to Daddy. It was about people who want to live together and be friends in a town called Harmony. It was cute to watch.

Here's the bow at the end...Natalie was a bit behind the older kids. They are cousins Skylar and Brody, and even though they're older they play really well with her and Skylar loves to watch over her.

Not much is new with us. Kyle left for a week this morning. Natalie and I went to the park, the bank, to buy new finger paints and had lunch with Grandma Jill today. Lots of girl time before Beckett joins us! I'm headed to Billings Wednesday to do some last minute baby shoping for Beckett and some shoe shoping for Natalie. Grandma Jill has graciously offered to keep Natalie so I can go by myself, and I'm so excited to see Lauren and her new daughter who was born last week. It will be my last trip up before I have another little one of my own, so I'm looking forward to it. Hope you all are doing well and feel as blessed as we do. Hugs to all.


stamplady said...

When I lived in TX, we always had tons of humming birds, but I haven't seen even one in Worland, you are so lucky! Billings sounds like fun, you said something about mabey scrapping on thurs, I'm free if you still can. Let me know! Amanda

Anonymous said...

Nice, so many fun little updates with the tharps way out there in was so great to have you guys here and i'm sad I wont be there to see mr. beckett arrive. Natalie looks so cute in that picture of her in that purple and white dress prancing around in the steet!! It's my favoite one posted this month. So precious. I can't believe soon i will have a nephew to be amazed with it!!! love yous and enjoy the rest of da to you soon

Ashli said...

I can't believe that it is almost fall. Where did summer go? We are trying to geared up for school, but I am having a hard time with it. Macy is excited and so is Stu. Stop by if you get a minute.

Forshee Family said...

Tell Lauran I said congrads! Missed see you at your barbque- We are all better now Kruze just has a runny nose.
Nathan said you looked great when he saw you- he said you where in labor!!! He does not understand braxton hicks!! he he hope you are feeling well. These last weeks are hard.