Tuesday, February 19, 2008

It's Potty Time

Well, we have been preoccupied the last two days with potty training. She is definitely ready and sat on the toilet a lot yesterday, although failed to make it there when she had to go. But she tried hard yesterday. Now today she fights me on it every time I suggest we try to sit and go. Is this normal? How hard do I push her? We aren't using pull-ups except for sleeping because she just goes in them too easilly. I think they feel too much like diapers. Natalie is watching her Elmo potty video right now. I haven't left the house in two days and am getting a little stir crazy! Kyle is supposed to be home around noon to help and let me go work out for a bit. Anyway, I would take any advice from you mommies who have had to do this multiple times over the last few years!!! You are all still alive, so I know it can be done :)

1 comment:

Ashli said...

We used bribes alot. Macy took well to candy WHEN she was ready. She did the potty thing for a few days really well, and then quit. A few weeks later she was read again and she received candy for every successful go..and she was trained! Stuart was tougher and it cost us $75 to get him trained, but we did it in two days flat. Fiona understands the candy/potty deal, but only wants the candy and not the potty yet. We'll see. When Natalie is ready, she will do it. She may just be taking a break for awhile and then will amaze you and knock it out fast like Stu did. Have you tried reading books to her while she is sitting on the potty? She may get bored waiting and trying so hard. Be patient and maybe purchase a little potty chair for the back of the car (and some clorox wipes to clean it out) since you are on the go so much. That way she will have a consistent chance and you can pull over as soon as she tells you she needs to go since she will only feel the urge at the "moment". It'll be better than holding her and having her go on the ground. Macy had a fear of that one for a bit, but then went through a stage that she loved it and always wanted to go outside. Have fun and don't push her too hard. We had friends that had a boy who was afraid of the toilet. It'll work out in time! Good luck, and if you come up with something that works, let me know. I want Fiona out of diapers ASAP!