Thursday, April 3, 2008

An Outside Makeover...Life and Beauty Abound

Well, we spent a good part of the day outside getting some spring projects underway (before we get another snow!). My neighbor Cindy was so kind and came over for hours today to help us "layer" our garden so it will be ready to plant in a short while. We layered cardboard and newspaper with hundreds of pounds of manuer and straw. It's called "lasagna gardening" and I can't wait to plant! Cindy was also a big help with Natalie as we spent most of the afternoon outside. Here is a picture of Miss Natalie taking Patches for a ride in her Gator when Grandma Jill came over. It was too cute! Patches has a little too much energy to stay in for long, but she is getting the hang of the leash when Natalie drags her all over the yard!
Here was the first stage of the garden project today... Burning! That was, of course, left up to Daddy because fire tends to scare Momma...Kyle said when the flames started up (Don't worry, Cindy had the hose running) hundreds of wolf spiders ran out of the brush! Great, now they'll probably all come inside.
And Cindy was kind enough to bring over their tractor so we didn't have to haul manuer by hand and wheelbarrow! What a chore that would have been. Cindy told me, I think this is right, that on average each horse puts out about 5,000 pounds of poop a year! Considering we have five, that's a lot to layer on a garden!
And here is the most amusing photo...It was so kind of Daddy to teach Natalie how to draw her own tatoos on this morning. I just rolled my eyes and told him he's as bad as his dad teaching her how to light matches!!! Anyway, he washed it all off this morning, then tonight she drew all over herself with a red marker and said her tatoos were "owies." She decided she needed a bandaid for the "owies" on her lip! Can it get any crazier around here?

Also, I tried my hand at baking tonight. I have for some reason been craving bread pudding since I tasted it for the first time in Deadwood last week, so I decided I better make some. I had a recipe and then added my own special touches, and it turned out really good! That craving is now satisfied. The other one I have during the day is fresh smoothies Natalie and I make at home, so that should counteract the calories in the bread pudding, right? Got to love how you have no control over your body for 9 months! Hope you all have a great weekend. Hugs to all.


Ashli said...

Let us know how that "lasagna garden" works. We have some friends in Ten Sleep trying their hands at gardening and yard work for the first time in their new home and lot. Lots of work ahead of them. I may tell her about this. Natalie is going to be a handful for you. I can't believe how she is already getting into the pretend ouchie play. Funny girl. Her and Macy would get along great. Maybe it's the birthdays? Fresh smoothies are wonderful. We took the seeds out of some fresh cherries from Washington last year and froze them so that we could add them with the frozen berries to our smoothies. Yummy. I have also heard of freezing banana chunks for smoothies too. Sounds like you are keeping busy enough without another child. You'll be running like crazy before you know it.

Anonymous said...

What a project! Sounds like this first year will be the hardest, but after that. . . Wow. . . You will surely notice a huge difference from the struggle you had growing veggies in clay! Thank you, Cindy. Since childhood days in southern Oregon I've had periodic cravings for bread pudding, but it seems whenever I suggested it for my own children, the response was similar to "you've got to be kidding" -remember? - so, glad you've finally come to experience that yummy. Love the "licking the bowl"!
Relieved to hear that Natalie's owies are fake.
So looking forward to meeting Patches - what fun! Gramdma Jill comes up with such wonderful critters...(sorry about Mini)
Hoping Spring will spring soon for you. Hugs and kisses to all!

Forshee Family said...

Natile had a little lamb...
he he
that is my most favorite picture.

Anonymous said...

amy truman and peggy did a lasagna will have to talk to fun to see all your pictures and read your news!! thanks for's terry trombley....but i seem to only be able to sign in as anonymous