Friday, April 18, 2008

Our Big News...

OK, I know it's beena while sonce we got some pictures posted, but my allergies have been so bad the last week I can hardly sleep. Need I say more? Trying to keep up with Natalie on three hours of sleep is no easy task. I can't wait to try it when her BROTHER gets here in a few months!!! Yes, we had an ultrasound today and found out we are having a boy. We went in not wanting to know (I did, Kyle didn't), but he was flashing us and made Kyle curious. We know the technician, and he said he knew what it was if we wanted to know, so we agreed. We are so excited. Kyle had his cell phone in the room and started calling people right away! Everything looks great.

Anyway, on to our little Miss Natalie. Above is a picture of her and her friend Lathan collecting the offering together at church last Sunday. It is so cute to watch, and she really has the hang of it now. There was a little pushiness when they both wanted to carry the plate at the same time, but Kyle was helping and convinced them to take turns.

And here is Natalie with Grandpa and Patches on the garden swing at Grandma Phyllis's house. That lamb puts up with a lot! We did buy her a nice new halter and lead this week so she can learn how to lead well for a parade this summer. Grandpa Chauncey wants her to dress as little Bo Peep and lead patches. We'll be sure to post a video of that one.

All else is well with the Tharp family. I have a book club meeting tonight, and Kyle will be home all weekend! We plan to celebrate my 30th birthday (Monday) on Saturday night in Hyattville at the bar with prime rib. Maybe it's because I'm pregnant, but 30 is really not bothering me like it should, which is just fine. Then we're headed to church so I can fill in as Sunday school teacher, then off to the Forshee's for their first branding. I love branding, but no one lets you do much when you're pregnant! I think we'll be branding out calves soon. Hope all is well with everyone and that we all count our blessings this weekend. Hugs to all.


JessicaT said...

Auntie HB, thanks for your post! We love hearing from you and miss you very much. However, I thought you should know that yesterday Natalie picked up the baby monitor and talked like it was a phone. I asked her who she was talking to and she said Auntie Sumner. You have some stiff competition! Love you.

Anonymous said...

Yee-ha, a boy! A totally new experience for the likes of me. . . . and I can hardly wait to meet the little guy. And Natalie will be a wonderful Big Sister. So glad it's all going well. Patches is certainly growing quickly. LOVE the Little Bo Peep idea! I imagine Pastor Jack has seen a recent upsurge in quarters in the offering plate?? Being in the Church and seeing that ritual brought tears to my eyes - soooo serious and so sweet. Hugs & kisses from Grammie

Ashli said...

Glad to hear that you are getting a boy. SOOOO much easier than girls least while they are little. I just can't believe how busy you are keeping. You need to clear up some of the schedule before welcoming another one. Hope to see you soon.

Forshee Family said...

Happy Birthday today!!
I was so glad you and your family came to branding. It is always so good to chat with you. Your daughter is beautiful. Kruze thinks she is great.. I am not kidding, he has had reservations about little girls. From the way he looked at her I think he is in love. Hope you have a good day and find some time to relax and sing happy birthday to yourself!

Mandy said...

Jess I am so proud of you for being a busy person in our little town. I think that you manage your time in good fashion. I think that Natalie and the little sea horse will learn alot by you and how you get involved in our community.
Stay busy!!!!