Friday, January 16, 2009

Quick Update

I don't have any new pictures to post from the last few days, but thought I would give a quick update on Natalie's appointment from Wednesday.

The specialist was very nice and confirmed what I had suspected but just wanted to check out. We are doing everything right with Natalie's tummy problems at this stage. The medication will not have any longterm effects, and we should just keep on it, reducing the dose in the future as long as it keeps working. She's only thrown up twice since being on it, so that is really good. There are no indications that she may have other problems like an ulcer, but if she still needs medication next year we will run some more tests. She said two percent of kids won't grow out of it (most do by age 2) so she may have these issues for life. As long as we stick to her good diet and do what we can to keep things normal, she should be fine. Natalie was very talkative and good in the office and loved the talking parrot in the waiting room! It was a cute African Gray named Morgan who gave Natalie a high five. That was the highlight of our quick trip.

Anyway, we have a birthday party tomorrow and are looking forward to our trip north next weekend! We are all still trying to get over the nasty head cold that's been hanging around for weeks now, but other than that we are just fine and dandy. Hope you all have a fun weekend. Hugs to all.


Ashli said...

Thank goodness for medications that really help with nothing bad to go along. Natalie is a trooper to keep taking it....

Forshee Family said...

Oh what an answer to prayer!
African Birdy in the waiting room? Awesome!! We need one of those at Kruzes appointments!