Friday, January 9, 2009

I Can Roll Over!

Yes, Mr. Blue Eyes can officially roll over. We got home from hauling calves Wednesday afternoon and it was just the two of us (Kyle was at work and Natalie was with Grandpa in his truck and trailer getting ice cream after the hard day's work...). He was on the floor under his activity gym and I glanced over and thought to myself that he looks like he just might finally do it. So, I ran to get the video camera and he was on his belly by the time I got back! He thought it was OK for about a minute or so, then he decided he wanted to be back on his backside and couldn't figure out how to do it. He hasn't done it since.

4 months old!

Hope you all have had a good week. We sold calves yesterday and spent the better part of the day at the sale barn. After school Natalie joined us there and we had lunch, played with stray kids and kitties and finally fell asleep on the benches listening to the auctioneer. Once our calves went through we headed home with Daddy. It was a fun day. I love sale barns (really, no joke)! I'm now coming down with the head cold Kyle and Natalie had last week, so hopefully Beckett won't get another round of it too. We've had a great first week of 2009 and are excited to get out of town next week. On Wednesday we'll take Nattie for a consult with a pediatric gasteroenterologist just to be sure we're on the right track with her tummy issues. She's been doing really well on her new medicine, so we expect things to go well at the consult. It's Daddy's day off, so he gets to go with us! We're also so excited about our trip to Laurel/Columbus the following week!!! Hugs to all.
"May the spirit of Christmas stay with you through the year of 2009."


Anonymous said...

Yay Beckett!!!! We knew you could do it! Love you guys! XO

Ashli said...

I can't believe that he is so big! It seems like you were just counting down to the due date! What a cutie you have.

Forshee Family said...

keep me posted on Natalie!