Sunday, January 4, 2009

2009...Here we come!

Happy New Year! We hope you all had a safe and fun celebration...we made it to 10 o'clock, then we called it quits! Kyle has been in North Dakota for the week, so the kids and I headed out to Hyattville. We ate dinner at the Paintrock in Hyattville and then spent the night, but I figured hearing the new year celebration in Greece on the radio was close enough for me. I get so worn out being by myself for the week. Anyway, it was a fun visit, despite Nattie picking up a head cold, which she probably got from Daddy before he left. But we're all excited today because he's on his way home right now!

Here is our last picture of 2008 before we went to dinner New Year's Eve.

I put a video of each of the kids on for all of you who live far away and can't see how fast these kiddos are growing up! Beckett is 4 months old today, and his smiles and laughs just keep getting bigger and better. His video is of him in the bath last night "talking." Natalie's video is of her dancing last week to one of my bluegrass albums. She likes to dance in front of the TV because when it's off she can see her reflection. She is just as energetic and fun as ever and is starting to like board games.

We hope you are enjoying the first week of 2009 and that everyone is happy and healthy. We are so grateful to have our health, great friends and family to start this new year off. Hugs to all!

My new quote to live by for 2009 (at least try to remember it every day): "Make up your mind to be happy." I just have to remember that perfection is not a good goal, but doing the best we can with what we have is. Cheers!


The DeCoteau's said...

I love your new quote for 2009!!! We can't wait to meet up with you guys if you're going to be around Billings anytime soon. And, the videos are just too cute! Your little man is just getting so big, and Natalie is absolutely hilarious. I think I know where her love for loud music and dancing comes from, though. Best wishes to you, Kyle (late HAPPY the way), and the kiddos!

Forshee Family said...

Your quote is perfect and I need to adapt it to my life everyday.
Miss seeing you!
Nathan said he spoke with you guys about meeting up at the light parade but of course did not tell me until it was over. Nice! What a dork!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update. I love the videos. I forgot to tell you that I really love your quote. I am going to try to live by it too. Please have a terrific tomorrow. I send you all love and HUGS! See you Thurs.