Sunday, October 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Natalie!!!

Well, our Natalie is three today! We celebrated this weekend with family and friends at the local pizza joint, and it was a little crazy but a lot of fun. We had almost 30 people there, including Aunt Pam and Uncle Keith from Thermopolis and Great Grandpa Chauncey from Powell. Great Grandpa and Grandma Tharp were also there, as was Cousin Brandon from Montana. The kids all played well together until we started having meltdowns from all the sugar highs! We are so blessed to have so many good friends and family close by.

I made a huge yellow cake and Mandy came over to save the day with all her cake decorating tools to help us with the giant caterpillar! It actually turned out really cute..a bug cake for our bug-lover. I also put little candy bugs all around the outside...

Here is Natalie getting ready to blow out the candles...

Here is one from Grammie's visit that I meant to put at the end, but it got stuck in the middle of the birthday pictures. She made it home safe and sound, but we sure do miss her help around here! We can't wait to see everyone in Portland in just a short while for Thanksgiving.
Natalie tries on her new pink cowboy boots from Grandma and Grandpa...
And here is my attempt to get a group picture of all the kids.
This is Little Man Beckett relaxing while Big Sis had all the fun...
Blowing out her three candles...

She was on party overload this morning, so she stayed home with Daddy to play with her new playdough set while Beckett and I went to church. It turned out to be another nice day here, and Im not sure if more snow is in store any time soon. Kyle is headed up the mountain to hunt this week (he did get his buck last week, so now he's on to elk), and if the weather stays nice I'll head up the mountain for a day with the kids to play at camp.
I'm going to try and catch up on some sleep tonight...I went to a scrapbooking party Friday night with about 8 other moms, and I was in the car at 1:30 am driving home when Kyle called and said the job he thought was going to go out Monday got called for 3:30 am Saturday! I stayed late to scrap and chat because I thought I would get a nap with him home Saturday, but the plans changed. I got to bed at 2 am and Miss Natalie got up a little after 5. Once I got my coffee, I really was OK, but now I feel it today! It was so much fun to hang out late (it reminded me of college!) that I wouldn't change a thing. Two others stayed until after 5 am, so it could have been worse! I did get all of my pictures of Beckett done, so he officially has a book now.
Not much else is new here. We hope you all are happy and healthy and have a great week. May those of you who are hunting and traveling be safe. Hugs and blessings to all!


Ashli said...

That cake is HUGE! WOW! Happy Birthday Natalie.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday little lady!!! XOXOXO

Forshee Family said...

Happy birthday
Love Kruze!