Well, we had such a great time with Karrie and Madison this past week. We're really going to miss them, but we're headed to their house in just a few weeks, so I guess we can hold out until then! Saturday we spent all day in Hyattville and Natalie caught a big trout. She was so proud and had no problem gobbling him up for dinner tonight. We then headed to Powell to help Grandpa Chauncey dock his lambs Sunday, and I called up Lauren and Blake to see if they wanted to "meet half way" and visit a bit. It was a great time. Just a bit windy, but otherwise fun. Here are some pictures...

Nattie with her prize trout...she is such her daddy's girl! Maybe Beckett will like to go to horse shows with me...he he he

I just thought this little guy was so cute...right before I grabed him for his docking!

Here's part of the crew: Great-Grandpa Chauncey, Kyle, Grandpa Guy and Aunt Karrie

A shot of most of the herd...

Blake and Beckett hanging out to watch the action. Brune and I got to help for the first bit, then the kiddos were done being outside in the wind. It was so fun to see Blake and Beckett play together since they're only a month apart. By the way, since Beckett has been dubbed "Spike" we all got a good laugh realizing since his middle name is Lee he's now
Spike Lee.
Momma holding a lamb for Nattie to pet. She just loves being out in the thick of things and will be a good hand in a few years.

Here's little Blake getting her first look at a lamb up close and personal...I don't think she was very impressed!
We're headed out to help some other friends brand tomorrow (well, I think I'm on kid duty, so I won't be much help this time). I love spring! I really do look forward to these yearly traditions. We hope you all had a fun weekend and are looking forward to a fabulous week. Hugs to all.
Would have loved to have watched Nattie land that one! But I have no doubt she will beg to go along to any horse shows Momma wants to attend, too.
The lambs are so adorable; so here's a city-slicker question(nolaughing): what happens when one gets "docked"?? Chauncey looks like he's holding a rather large tool in one of those photos. . .
Spide Lee will be chasing after big sis and Maddie before we know it! Toooo cute. Glad you got some time with the kinfolk.
Thanks for keeping the pix coming!
LotsaLove, Grammie
You keep so busy with those kiddos. I am amazed at what you get accomplished!
The pictures are a good as the time we had. Thanks for sharing all you do. I am so blessed to be a part of it. Love and Big HUGS!
Tell Natalie, "NICE CATCH!" Bob is just hoping that Blake will love to go fishing with her daddy, too. It was great to get to see you guys, and Spike really is a perfect nickname for your little guy. Hope it's warming up for you...we finally seem to be warming up after a chilly week.
I love all your family happenings and the love you have for them all!!!
Hope to see you all soon
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