The last two weeks have been very busy but equally fun! We went to see Cousin Madison and Aunt Karrie and Uncle Chad for a few days, then headed over to Colorado from Nebraska to see Kyle's cousin Austin graduate and spend a few days there for a family reunion of sorts. The only ones missing from the Tharp clan were Grandpa Eddie and Uncle Steve. We even got to see Austin's last baseball game. He's very good and hasn't yet decided which college scholarship to take, but he has a lot of offers. It was a lot of fun to visit with everyone...and I decided Holyoke would be a great town to move to if we had to! Uncle Jeff is on the school board and an arts council. They have an arts center, indoor pool, great children's park, fun coffee shop and a Methodist church. We'd be all set! I even heard they have a decent vet in the area...(Uncle Jeff is a vet). It's a beautiful little town about 90 minutes out of Denver, so if Schlumberger falls's a long shot, but I did find my dream log home for sale on 40 acres. Just enough to build an arena...oh the dreams.
Anyway, we made it back last Monday and Kyle had his "snip snip" surgery Tuesday and has been home recovering for the last week. It all went well and he can now say he's in the elite group who MAY understand a bit about childbirth, although the 9 months of crud before the actual birth is deleted for them. At any rate, he was a trooper and is recovering well and will be back to work tomorrow. I've been going like mad getting ready for the Cowboy Carnival next weekend. The weather has been beautiful, so we hope it stays for a while. It has been great to have the kids outside to run off some energy, and Beckett still has no teeth! He did have one poke through a couple of months ago, but it went back and we haven't seen any since. Here are a few pictures from our travels and a few of the kiddos...

Beckett finally fits into the hat the Forshee's gave him, but he has figured out how to flip it off his head. If he's distracted he'll leave it on, but he sure does look cute in it!

Natalie and Beckett getting silly on the couch. She loves to play rough with him and can't seem to remember that he doesn't always like to "be messed with." He'll put up with it for a while and then just let out a horrible scream like his right arm is coming off. Just wait a few more months until he's mobile, then the fun will really begin!

Uncle Jeff and Aunt Teresa were wonderful hosts and loved visiting with the kids. We don't get to see them much, so it was special to have that time. They have a great trampoline in their yard that Natalie could NOT stay off of. I think she spent a few hours straight out there.

Grandma Jill with Nattie and Maddie

Beckett with Cousin Austin, the graduate. We were all so proud of him when he was surprised with a Citizenship Award from the VFW. He was the only one to receive it, which was an honor. If I was this proud of my husband's cousin, I can only imagine the tears that will come at my own kids' graduation down the road! I know it's a ways away, but I just kept thinking how young Austin was at our wedding and now he's off to college! Time just goes by too fast. Jeff and Teresa have done a great job with their boys. All of them are great people. All three of them who were there loved to play with the kids and were happy so have us there...gentlemen. Dylan (sorry, I don't know if that's spelled right!) held Beckett for the whole graduation, and Logan loved to play with him on the floor.

Natalie and Madison getting crazy in the motel room

Our "date" pictue...all dressed up for graduation

Guy and Jill with their whole family...Karrie, Chad, Madison and us with our kids

Grandma Phyllis with Austin

Dylan, Kyle, Jill and Beckett
Hope you all have had a great last few weeks and are getting ready for the end of school and summer vacation...Auntie Hannah, I know you are! Natalie has her last day of preschool this Thursday, then she's doing dance and swim classes this summer. She's so excited. Hugs to everyone!
I was hoping that the carnival would be a bit later so that we could make it, but maybe next year. We're busy with the lovely buy/sell housing goods now and end of the year stuff at both schools. The kids are officially done this week, so hopefully things can slow down a bit for me. I've caught another cold and want it gone with the snap of a finger. Glad to hear from you. I can't believe how busy you are! Tell Kyle that he has joined my "group" of the FIXIES! He'll never quite understand my method of child birth, BUT he's had another surgery the same as mine and I know that he's a trooper! Hope to see you all soon.
I love it when Grandma Jill shares your blog with me. Your kids are gorgeous, and the pictures show so much personality! They make me feel like I just had a visit! Thank you for being so awesome at your blog, and sharing with the rest of us! I do know that I have only met you at your wedding...but I still feel like a part of the family. Hugs and kisses!
Deb Simpson
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