Well, we've had a fun last two weeks. Last weekend Kyle had some training in Casper, so Beckett and I went down with him while Natalie played with Aunt Karrie, Cousin Madison and Grandpa Guy for the weekend. We left Thursday night after a jewelry show I did, which was really fun. We had a great time in Casper and got to get some shopping done...the children's store is fantastic! I went a little crazy but found some wonderful deals. We also got to visit a bit with Kyle's friend Kelly and our friends Curt and Diane who have the twin boys about Beckett's age. It was a ton of fun, even though it rained and/or snowed the whole time! We got back and have had a week of really great weather in the 70's, then woke up to a spring snow shower this morning. I guess we really need the moisture, it just stinks to get used to being outside then be cooped up again.

We did get our first round of branding done Wednesday in the fine weather, and Beckett sat on a horse for the first time. He was really good and liked it, so I guess we have another natural! Great-grandma Phyllis kept all 3 kids in the house while we were out with the cows, and all went well. There were no major injuries out in the corral, Jill did not get branded on the face, and I only got kicked twice, so it was a success!

Grandpa and his boys...Buford and Beckett. Aunt Karrie got everyone started calling Beckett "Spike" for a nickname because his hair sticks straight up most of the time! It's pretty cute. Natalie and Madison have been calling him that for the last 2 days.

Here are the girls and JJ and Buford. The two colts got to move cows all by themselves this week...with relatively no issues.

And here is Grandma Jill with her three babes. The girls do have a bit of a power struggle sometimes with the "this is mine...no this is mine!" game, but they really play well together and Madison loves to talk to Beckett. It's been so much fun having them here!!! We would love for it to become permanent...he he he.
We are celebrating Madison's and my birthdays this weekend with the family, and Kyle and I get to go on a date tonight! My friend Cassidy has a birthday 2 days after mine, so our hubbies are taking us on a double date to the great lodge in Shell tonight. I can't wait to get another taste of their sesame salmon. 31 doesn't feel a bit different than 30, and I just count our blessings every day that another year has come and gone without any major hardships. Thanks to everyone for the fun birthday wishes and calls, and we hope you have a great weekend. Hugs to all.
"Savor the moments that are warm and special and giggly." ~Sammy Davis Jr.
Those girls are getting big. Was that a hint about the permanent move?
Hey lady!!
Happy Birthday this last week! Hope you have a wonderful dinner! We will all have to go out again!
Thank you again for bringing me sanity last weekend!
We had so much fun hanging out with you, Kyle, Natalie, and "Spike" today. You have such an adorable family! It really is going to be so much fun watching our babies grow up together. Can't wait to meet up again!
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