Happy Easter week to everyone! It has been so beautiful here this week, but it's getting a little windy and nasty right this very minute, so we'll see how long it lasts. Kyle got home last night from another stint in North Dakota, and we are so glad he's home! It's certainly not easy when he's gone so much, but we're just thankful he has a good job right now. While he was gone we had several play dates and went to the park, and Grandma Jill got to come over one morning and play for a bit (thank you!). Last night I took the kids to a Christian Women's dinner at the community center where they have free child care for a few hours while women from all walks of life have a catered dinner and enjoy public speakers. I had heard about it before, but last night two of my close friends were speakers, so it was a great excuse to go. Mandy talked about her women's self defense classes (which are so cool, by the way) and Amanda gave her personal testimony about how she came to know God in her life through trials and tribulations. They both did a
FABULOUS job, and I am so glad I went. Amanda, what you wrote was beautiful and I am so proud that you had the courage to share it with everyone. You should write more often! In addition to our new found book club, maybe we should start a writing group...??? At any rate, it was a fun night out, and Beckett did fine in the nursery for two whole hours! OK, I confess I had friends walk by the window to see if he was screaming or not, but he did just fine.
We are working hard on Cowboy Carnival events now, with the big day being May 24th. Hopefully it won't rain for 5 days before hand this year, but we'll see what's in store for us! Maybe some of you out-of-towners can make it to Hayttville for the weekend?
We will head to Hyattville this weekend for Easter fun and dinner, including Uncle Nick visiting from out of town! I'm going to try and take Beckett to the sunrise service this year and meet up with Kyle and Natalie at the later service, but that plan could of course change at any moment! He's now seven months old and growing like a weed...and still teething hard!!! This poor boy has had it rough, but some on the bottom have got to poke through any day now! We're going on a road trip to Colorado at the beginning of May for Kyle's cousin's graduationand a family reunion of sorts, and I'm excited to stop in a HUGE gently-used clothing store for kids in Casper on the way. Beckett is barely fitting into his PJ's and is almost too long for his 9-12 month onesies! He's just the opposite of Natalie in how fast he's growing. He gets cuter every day, though. This afternoon Kyle and Nattie went fishing and he got to hang out with me and cook dinner for youth group tonight. It's amazing how different it is with just one kid in the house when you're used to more! Anyway, here are a few pictures from this week...

Beckett (7 months) loves his baby food much more than the bottle now!

"Feed me, Momma!"

And here is Natalie showing off the bunny mask Grammie sent for Easter (thanks for the great package!!!). We hope you are all happy and healthy and have a great Easter Weekend!
"Faith is the daring of the soul to go farther than it can see." ~William Newton Clarke