Then we had to catch a 9 am shuttle back to the airport to try to get to Cody again. Well, by this time I'm running out of food for Beckett, so I call a cab at 7:45 that morning asking how long it would take someone to get there to take me to a grocery store. The lady on the phone said someone could be at the hotel in 15 minutes and I should have no problem being back for the shuttle at nine. At 8:25 there was still no cab, so we called again and the lady said for some reason the call ha been cancelled and no one was on the way. Well, needless to say I got a little upset, but she sent someone else, but it was too late to be back for the shuttle. So, we all piled in the cab, went to an Albertson's, then had to pay the driver to take us to the airport. The good news is we made it and are all safe and sound at home, be it 24 hours later than expected. Hannah was SUCH A HUGE HELP and I really couldn't have asked my kids to be any better, so I am very grateful for that. I do not, however, have the desire to fly again for a very long time. Poor Hannah had to fly home to Portland from my house today, and we were all sad to see her go. It was wonderful to see everyone in North Carolina, so that made it all worth while. THANKS to everyone back East for a great time!!!
On a lighter note, Hannah and I had been drinking coffee all day Thursday because we thought we'd have to drive home from Cody in the dead of night. We had our cups of coffee on the plane and Natalie started yelling, "I need coffee!" We kept telling her she doesn't drink coffee and that she could have some juice, but all she wanted was coffee. The plane was small and everyone heard our conversation and started laughing. At least we got a good laugh that night! Natalie finally passed out and slept all the way back to Salt Lake! Well, here are some pictures from the trip. The weather was great for us and we got to do a lot outside...
Ipa (my dad) and Nana
Nattie relaxing by the wasn't warm enough to swim yet, but we played outside and let her put her feet in the wading area.
Auntie Hannah and Beckett...he'll be 7 months old next week!
And we also got to go to an animal park/sanctuary, which Natalie loved! They had tons of birds, small farm animals and also some exotic ones like a rhino, camels, giraffes and emu's. There's part of the park where you can drive through and throw food out, and those emu's run straight to the car and stick their heads through! They are not attractive, and I couldn't get the window up in time and Natalie had food in her hand and got pecked. She's fine, but it was a little scary!
Natalie loved this goat and felt the need to just sit and pet him a while!
And they had so many of these adorable potbellied pigs everywhere. Some of the females were so pregnant and fat their bellies literally dragged on the ground and they could hardly walk! They have it all figured out though to just hang out by the side of the road for food.
One of the many exotic birds...
And that was our trip in a nutshell! We really did have fun and enjoyed seeing are all welcome to come and visit the Yellowstone area any time!!!
Here is our latest addition to the family...Natalie's new pony! A friend of our has a pony for his daighter, who accidentally got bred and had this adorable foal. They don't need another pony and offered to just give her to us so she could have a good home...Daddy agreed, so now we have "Chocolate." She's only a year old, so Natalie won't be able to ride her for a year or two, but we'll bring her out to our house this spring to get her used to us. She's all chocolate brown, so Natalie decided that's what she wanted to name her.
I am so sorry to hear about your horrible fights. you are such a brave mamma! I am scared to death of flying with Kruze becaue instead of screaming for coffee..he would say please don't hit me mamma!
Glad you are home.
WELCOME home. Can hardly wait for tomorrow to see all of you. I love you all.
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