Anyway, Amanda and I took all 5 of our kids to the Meeteetse Museum last Friday for an exhibit on Lincoln, and we all had a blast. The kids had lots of things to touch and look at, and then we ate our packed lunch and bought dessert at the Chocolatier! Our kids were so polite and so well behaved, we were very proud of them. They all get along really well together.
Then Guy and Jill took Natalie for some play time on the ranch when Kyle got called out again, and I took Beckett to church and picked her up Sunday. I am debating leaving him home from church for a while until his nap time schedule changes because he wants to go to sleep at 9 a.m. every morning, which just so happens to be when church starts. Unlike Natalie, he is very set on his naps and does not want to be rocked or held when he's tired. ALL HE WANTS TO DO IS LIE DOWN and put himself to sleep. It's really nice when we have a place to do that. I put him down while he's still awake all the time and he's just perfect. But trying to keep him up or get him to go to sleep when he can't lie down is very difficult, and I alsways end up taking him out of church when he starts his loud fits. I tried last time laying him down on the bench with a blanket, but that didn't work. It just doesn't feel good to miss the service and disrupt it for others, so I might leave him home for a bit until he doesn't need that morning nap anymore. We'll see how I feel this weekend.
Amanda and I met with a prospective doctor's wife yesterday and had a great time with her. We spent about 2 hours with her and took her and her kids to our favorite park, to story hour at the library and on a tour of the Community Center. We talked a lot about raising kids here and the like, and we both got the distinct feeling she liked it here. They already live in a pretty small town in Minnesota, so small town life is not foreign to them. She said meeting her and taking the time to show her around meant a lot, so we'll see if they end up moving here. The hospital board supports this new approach, so I hope it makes a difference! Grandpa Guy has also been helping to babysit while I was busy this week, so another THANKS to him. Beckett is much happier around him now that he shaved his beard!
In other news, Kyle got home again last night...and was in the hospital again today. He took a fall off our front steps this morning and messed up his ankle again (the same one he hurt about 2 months ago), so we headed to the clinic with 2 patients today. I took Beckett for his 6 month checkup and Kyle for his ankle. Beckett has now grown 7 inches in 6 months! He's in the 94th percentile for height and 50th for weight. He's just shy of 17 pounds. All is well with him. However, they ended up taking Kyle over to the hospital for an x-ray, and it is not broken. But he will need it casted for at least 6 weeks! The ligaments are shot right now, so he needs to be sure he doesn't roll it again. On the up side...I'll have childcare for the next month or so!
Well, that 's our week in a nutshell. It's been so nice and warm the last few days, but we're supposed to get snow again next week. We are so excited for Auntie Hannah to come and make our trip to North Carolina in about 2 weeks! Hugs to all.
This is the kiddos' new game...Beckett rests on Natalie's tummy and they play face to face. They
really interact a lot now, and it's so gun to watch. He's learning how to pull hair really well!
I was sure that you would post about moving to that house in Basin since we no longer have a shot and then I was going to come down there and fight ya for it. I hope that Kyle's ankle gets to healing soon....he's accident prone...hope the kiddos don't pick that one up.
So, how is it taking care of three children?! :) We sure hope Kyle gets better soon! I agree with Ashli...I sure hope the kiddos dodge the accident prone gene from your hubby.
I swear your little Beckett is a weed! Blake hasn't even grown 5 inches since birth, and she's older. O yeah...Bob is going to drop off the formula from Suzi this coming week.
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