Aunt Karrie and Daddy with Little Man Beckett...
Madison is a little hesitant to get close to the big animals, but she did try to feed them apples with Natalie and even sat on Momma Stormy (Natalie's horse) for about 5 seconds!
Grammie and Natalie have made fishing poles out of our garden bean poles to use in the empty pond off the patio...they have been catching some real whoppers!
And here is my baby Beckett...he will be one month old already tomorrow! (Yes, that is a tear in my eye you detect)...
Not much else is new with us, just enjoying the nice weather while we still have it. I think it's supposed to turn next week, so we'll be bringing in the rest of our green tomatoes. Mom and I mad esome great pesto with my left over herbs yesterday to freeze for the winter, and we still have enough to make more today. I absolutely love fresh basil, and I put parsley in it too. I think Grammie will stay about another week, then I will be on my own! We're headed to lunch with a play group today and then we'll watch the homecoming parade! We are all doing great, but please send prayers for Pastor Jack who has been very sick with an infection this week and our friend's daughter who is also very sick and was sent to Billings. She is not even three, and they can't determine what's wrong with her, so it is a very scary situation. She's been in the hospital since Monday night. We hope all is well with you all and that you have a great week. Hugs and love!
P.S. I sent photos of the kids to most of you relatives far away this week, so look for them in the mail!
"I am constantly amazed how my love for my children can transform me in every way." ~J.B.T.
AWWWWW Beckett is SOOO CUTE!! Cant wait to meet my little nephew! xooxxxo Auntie Sum
Beckett is starting to look like daddy what a handsome boy. Sorry I missed your shower, we went to Nathans great uncles funral. I will say prayers for your friend and Pastor.
Have you been talking with the Palins latley???
Your little man looks quite a bit like his daddy, and we can't wait to meet him this weekend. I called Suzi, and she is planning on coming with me right now. But, they are going to just be getting back from Seattle (I think) on Thursday. So, she may be a little too tuckered out when the time comes...we'll see. Otherwise, I'm planning on heading that way on Saturday and spending the night...if that's okay? Then, we'll head back this way on Sunday. Let me know if that sounds good. We're so excited to see miss Nattie in action as a big sister, and Blake needs to check out her new boyfriend :)
Hey Jess! Feels like we haven't talked in forever, oh wait, we haven't! I wouldn't even recognize Beckett, he has changed so much! We've been super busy, hoping things will slow down soon so we can hang out! Loves, Amanda
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