Anyway, here's a cute picture I stuck in of Natalie plating dress up in her cheerleading outfit Aunt Karrie gave her for her birthday.
Natalie has started saying funny things to get out of doing a chore or picking up her toys. She always gives a big sigh and says, "I'm too busy." It's so hard not to bust out laughing, but I calmly say that she has to do this one thing first, then she can take a rest or do something else. Things are going well, especially considering I've been a single parent of a 7-week old and 3-year old since Wednesday morning! Kyle headed up the mountain to hunt for his elk, and as of last night he had not prevailed. Natalie will go home with Jill tomorrow afternoon to hang out there for a night, which will really be a help. I have 2 boxes of tomatoes I need to can which are not going to get done any other time unless I stay up until 3 am... Sometimes it feels like I might as well do that! Beckett is usually up around 1:30 and 4:30 am to eat, then Natalie gets up around 5 or 5:30, so mornings are rough. I did manage to get her to go back to sleep this morning in my bed until 7:30, so today is starting off a lot better than yesterday. She is being pretty helpful and patient, and Beckett is doing great except for some baby acne. He was 7 weeks old yesterday.
We don't have a lot planned for today except to go walk outside and watch the big beet tractors pull beets in front of the house and maybe do some art projects. We've been pretty busy and out and about the last few days, so it will be nice to relax at home today. If the weather is still nice and Kyle is still hunting Sunday, we may head up the mountain to hang our for the day. She just loves to go to camp, and it's been in the 60's during the day. Natalie certainly misses Daddy when he's gone.
Hope you all have a great weekend. Hugs to all (a special one to Suzi...your new baby girl will be here soon, and we are so excited!). I do miss my dear girlfriends from college, but I'm glad you're close enough to visit fairly often! Love you gals, and I'm so proud we're all mommies together! Hugs to all.
"Trouble is a part of your life, and if you don't share it, you don't give the person who loves you enough chance to love you enough." ~Dinah Shore
It is so my treat to be able to do this every year with Natalie, and yes Taylor at one time won't want to hang out with us. But we will be having little Beckett out there with us in a few years. Now just make sure you carve the Pumpkin
Natalie is getting too big. I need to get out there and see her. You don't need to pull my link from the blog, there are plenty of other ways to browse blogs besides the link. I just don't know who that is, and am curious...I get pretty personal on there sometimes. Have fun carving those pumpkins!
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