"Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing." ~Phyllis Diller
Monday, October 27, 2008
Fun On The Mountain
"Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing." ~Phyllis Diller
Friday, October 24, 2008
Pumpkin Hunting
Anyway, here's a cute picture I stuck in of Natalie plating dress up in her cheerleading outfit Aunt Karrie gave her for her birthday.
Natalie has started saying funny things to get out of doing a chore or picking up her toys. She always gives a big sigh and says, "I'm too busy." It's so hard not to bust out laughing, but I calmly say that she has to do this one thing first, then she can take a rest or do something else. Things are going well, especially considering I've been a single parent of a 7-week old and 3-year old since Wednesday morning! Kyle headed up the mountain to hunt for his elk, and as of last night he had not prevailed. Natalie will go home with Jill tomorrow afternoon to hang out there for a night, which will really be a help. I have 2 boxes of tomatoes I need to can which are not going to get done any other time unless I stay up until 3 am... Sometimes it feels like I might as well do that! Beckett is usually up around 1:30 and 4:30 am to eat, then Natalie gets up around 5 or 5:30, so mornings are rough. I did manage to get her to go back to sleep this morning in my bed until 7:30, so today is starting off a lot better than yesterday. She is being pretty helpful and patient, and Beckett is doing great except for some baby acne. He was 7 weeks old yesterday.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Happy Birthday Natalie!!!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Natalie's First Snowman
What a great team! We usually get dry snows, so it was fun to be able to make things actually stay together.
After we were done with the snowman, which Bella destroyed in less than 5 minutes after we came inside, Nattie had fun rolling around. I love how pink her cheeks got!
This picture is for Nana Brooks to show off the big sister shirt she gave Natalie. It is so adorable and is embroidered with a brown-haired girl, which of course is Natalie.
We ventured out to a holiday craft fair at the community center this morning and got a few cute things from local vendors. That's how I prefer to shop, though it's not always possible in a small town. We then came home to play in the snow and make homemade beef barley soup with a roast I cooked yesterday. YUMMY! I love making soups in the winter...at least a pot a week and then just eating leftovers for days.
Not sure we'll make it to church tomorrow with the weather, but we'll be sending good thoughts and prayers out to everyone for a good next week, especially Grammie and Daddy with their long drives home. Hugs to all (and much love to Daddy).
Friday, October 10, 2008
Another new addition...
Winter Is Here!
Here is Beckett Lee at five weeks old (notice the onesie). This soft musical frog he has next to him is the first toy he's been interested in. Just this week he's started smiling a little and making some cooing noises. I just can't believe he's not a newborn any more!
Natalie and Beckett goofing off on the couch...
And big sister still loves to hold her little brother.
So far Beckett's eyes are still blue, but not a really light shade, so I'm still not convinced they'll stay blue. Kyle left Monday for North Dakota again, and he's supposed to be back this Monday, but I'll believe it when I see it! My mom was planning on starting her drive back tomorrow, but will wait another day or two until the weather warms up a bit (fair weather driver!). Not much else is new here with us, just taking it easy this week. Next week we're going to head to the pumpkin patch with Mandy and get ready for Natalie's third birthday party next weekend! Yes, our little baby is growing up so fast. She still loves school and all of her play dates and is quite the independant young lady now. She is as beautiful as can be, but equally demanding sometimes! We had a rough few days when Kyle left because she's gotten so used to seeing him every day over the last 6 weeks. She really is a daddy's girl and misses him a lot when he's gone.
On an exciting note...welcome to the world Leyah!!! Our dear friends Mariah and Yshai in Portland had a beautiful baby girl early this morning after a long labor. Congrats to you and new Grandma Anne and all of Little Leyah's aunties and uncle. This child will be loved beyond belief! We can't wait to meet her in November.
Hope you all are staying warm and dry and not getting too upset about the stock market...Kyle had to calm me down a few times today. Thanks, honey...you are the love of my life and I miss you terribly! XOXOXO
Friday, October 3, 2008
A Week of Fun
Aunt Karrie and Daddy with Little Man Beckett...
Madison is a little hesitant to get close to the big animals, but she did try to feed them apples with Natalie and even sat on Momma Stormy (Natalie's horse) for about 5 seconds!
Grammie and Natalie have made fishing poles out of our garden bean poles to use in the empty pond off the patio...they have been catching some real whoppers!
And here is my baby Beckett...he will be one month old already tomorrow! (Yes, that is a tear in my eye you detect)...
Not much else is new with us, just enjoying the nice weather while we still have it. I think it's supposed to turn next week, so we'll be bringing in the rest of our green tomatoes. Mom and I mad esome great pesto with my left over herbs yesterday to freeze for the winter, and we still have enough to make more today. I absolutely love fresh basil, and I put parsley in it too. I think Grammie will stay about another week, then I will be on my own! We're headed to lunch with a play group today and then we'll watch the homecoming parade! We are all doing great, but please send prayers for Pastor Jack who has been very sick with an infection this week and our friend's daughter who is also very sick and was sent to Billings. She is not even three, and they can't determine what's wrong with her, so it is a very scary situation. She's been in the hospital since Monday night. We hope all is well with you all and that you have a great week. Hugs and love!
P.S. I sent photos of the kids to most of you relatives far away this week, so look for them in the mail!
"I am constantly amazed how my love for my children can transform me in every way." ~J.B.T.