Friday, October 9, 2009

Hello again! The last few weeks have been busy with play dates, trips to the park, a wedding, preschool, time with friends, Sunday mornings at church, 80 degree days and SNOW, Kyle working much more and BECKETT CRAWLING! Yes, it has been exciting. In the last two weeks we've managed to go from nice spring weather to about a week of fall to several inches of snow. We did get to the park a lot because we feared the cold weather was coming quickly, and we were right. Farmers have been scrambling to get their sugar beets harvested before lots of snow, and the horses all have their fuzzy winter coats now!

Natalie has been busy at preschool, creating lots of fun projects and learning many new songs. She just loves it and has a great time. We started some simple therapy with Beckett last week to strengthen his left leg because he doesn't use it a lot when he scoots around on his bum. The therapist was a little concerned the ligaments would not develop evenly and might throw him off when he started walking. We have "homework" to do with him, and Kyle and I were doing just that Saturday night when he simply took off ans started crawling! He now does about 1/2 scooting (when he wants to go really fast) and 1/2 crawling (when he wants lots of applause and attention). I'm just so proud of him because the therapist said very few kids will crawl once they've learned another effective mode of transportation...he's been scooting since July. Needless to say we are so pleased with his progress and expect him to walk within the next month or two.

This is the third day Kyle has been gone for work and we expect him back very soon, though it could take a lot longer with the bad weather that's moved in on us. Things are picking up a lot at work, which is great, but we miss seeing him at home so much! We're excited to celebrate Natalie's 4th birthday pretty soon, and my mom is driving in this weekend to celebrate with us. Hope you all are happy and healthy...maybe enjoying a bit of the fall weather that passed us by!

This is how a Tharp scouts for deer on a 35 degree Wyoming morning... yes, she's been gong with Daddy to hunt a little.

Naked Cowboy...he thinks it's great to crawl around in nothing but his cowboy boots. How much cuter could he get? Not much.

This is a determined face if I've ever seen one!

And here is Natalie making a snow angel today. Grandma and Grandpa came in to have lunch with us and spent some good time visiting.

Grandpa Guy and Nattie playing tag in the snow

And Grandma Jill and Beckett hanging out inside... where it's warm!

Have a great weekend!!!


Grandma Jill said...

Thank you, Thank you for the GREAT time today. I was happy all day just hanging out with you made my day good. Your the best! Thanks for the updated pictures here also. You do such a good job.

Tad said...

Thanks Jess this helps me to stay up to date. As always great pictures and stories.