Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Ice Cream Makes Everything Better

Things are going much better in the Tharp house this week! Kyle is home from the hospital and recovering well. He's in the "coughing it up" stage with the pneumonia. It is so nice to have him home and returning to his old self. Thanks to everyone for your calls and prayers. We are blessed in so many ways.

In other exciting news...Beckett's first tooth finally broke through today after two months of on-and-off teething and torture for this poor boy. Uncle Tracy is visiting from California and he and Grandpa Guy brought him some ice cream today...OK, some of it was for Natalie too! It was a fun visit...they tried to convince me Kyle was well enough to got the snowmobile out, but I stood my ground and put my foot down like a good wife! Just kidding, he was not feeling quite up to it anyway.

Uncle Tracy and Beckett

Nattie finishes all of her strawberry shake

"One more bite, please!"

And here are the pictures I took off Amanda's blog of our trip to the museum last week. It was a lot of fun...

William, Benjamin, Natalie and Heidi

And Momma and was nice to get a picture with me in it since I'm usually the one behind the camera.
We hope you all are having a good week...Amanda and I will meet with another doctor's wife to show her around on Friday, and I plan to get mostly packed for our trip this weekend before Auntie Hannah comes! We are very excited for this trip and for all of the Brooks Family to meet Beckett for the first time and see how much Miss Natalie has grown. Ipa will also meet us there, which will be fun. I'm not sure if I'll get another post in before we leave a week from tomorrow, so if not we'll have lots of good pictures to share when we get back! Hugs to all.

"Happiness is the by-product of an effort to make someone else happy." ~Gretta Palmer, American Writer


Ashli said...

Is Kyle getting to go with you on this trip? I'm happy to hear that he's getting better. Stay healthy and have a great trip.

The DeCoteau's said...

Your little man is just getting so big! Hope you have a wonderful trip. The prune juice trick seems to be working so far...keeping our fingers crossed. THANKS for the suggestion! Can't wait to meet up with you guys sometime soon. We'll definitely have to plan something this summer (maybe even take the boat out).

Jackie N said...

I'm so glad to hear that Kyle is out of the hospital. Hope his ankle is recovering well too. Have a fantastic trip and visit.

Friend of the Tharp family and long time reader of your blog :)
Jackie Nelson