Wow, I guess it's been a while! We've been battling various sickies at our house and have just been busy getting ready for the holidays, so sorry about the time lapse! The biggest news of the last few weeks is that Beckett is finally walking. He can go a good part of the way across the room before he falls down, and he still crawls quite a bit- like he just doesn't quite trust that walking will be faster in the long run. He is so proud of himself and has fun crawling up on Natalie's bed...and the coffee table now.

Some good steps...

Happy walker...

Beckett with Grandma Jill at Natalie's music performance this weekend. Yes, it was her first ever Christmas performance... and she didn't sing a note! She stood there with her hands in her mouth the whole time! I think she was just a bit overwhelmed at all the people. At least she stood on stage in her place. There were a few kids who didn't even manage to get that done and ran crying to their moms in the audience. They are only 3 and 4 year olds, and it was really cute. She was starting to warm up at the end and I think would have sung the next song had they done another one. She said she thought Grandma and Grandpa were just coming to watch her sing with her class and didn't know that a "performance" meant a lot of other people would be there! She has another one on the 18th, so we'll see how that one goes.

Beckett with his buddy Tanner (his sisters are good buds with Natalie)

At least she was smiling at the end!

And here is Mr. Beckett having his morning read of the paper...

We took our last trip up the mountain before the really cold weather hit a few weeks ago, and I just LOVE this picture of Kyle and Natalie fishing in the creek. It was cold, but beautiful. Kyle had the day off and we took the dogs with us and just goofed off all afternoon.

Queen of the World!

Momma and Beckett, who was NOT happy about being strapped to my back instead of being allowed to crawl near the icy rocks by the creek. Mean momma!

Bella and Katie treed a squirrel. They had a blast.

Frozen waters...

Kyle has been traveling so much lately. It's good that work is really picking up, but it's been a bit of a strain on us all. He's been home a total of about 3 weeks since September with no stretches longer than 4 days. He's a trooper, though, and doesn't complain nearly as much as I would if I had to go out in -15 degree weather! It's been really cold here with temps well below zero already. We have a little snow, but now much. He was home over Thanksgiving, which was great. Karrie, Chad and Madison were here and we had tons of fun working cows, riding in the snow and slumber parties with the cousins.
I'm excited to head to Billings (if the weather holds out) sometime this week to get my vacuum fixed and visit with my college mommas and their girls. We just love to visit! Other than that, the house is decorated, tree is up, presents are all in the mail and we are ready for Christmas! I love being home with our family in December! It's so much fun for the kids to really get into decorating and everything. We're gong to do gingerbread houses this weekend, so I'll post some pictures of that. Peace and joy to everyone!
Thanks for the great visual update. You go, little man! Beckett looks much taller when he's upright. And older with his hair cut...they're growing so fast! I'm betting Nattie will actually sing at the next performance - so wish I could be there for it! XOXOOXX Grammie
LOVE the pics! Well, it sounds like the next time I see Beckett he will be up and moving. Natalie looks so grown up in those pictures from the Christmas program. Hope you are all staying happy, cozy and warm. Miss ya!
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