Well, Beckett is not officially not a baby anymore! His first birthday was Friday and we celebrated with family Saturday at our house. It was a nice time. He got some cool new clothes, coveralls, toys and money for his savings account. Thank you to everyone! We wish you all could have been here, but we know you were thinking about him. Anyway, here are the birthday pictures plus a few more. The first one is him licking the beaters from the frosting. Mandy helped me make a cool football cake...which would have been perfect had I not screwed up the icing! Oh, well, it's all a learning process, right? I'm pretty sure Beckett didn't care!

Playing in the balloons before the party got started...

The runny-icing football cake...it did taste really good.

Here is his cake to "get messy" with...

And here he is not wanting to get messy! He didn't like the way the cake felt or something...very unlike his sister who dove right in! I even had Nattie take a piece off and show him it was OK to dig into it, and he still didn't want to...

So, he was happy to have Daddy feed it to him with a fork...

Then slowly warmed up to the idea of eating it with his hands.

Playing with toys...

The family we were lucky to have join us...three great-grandparents included! I just think it is so great my kids know so many of their grandparents and great-grandparents. Here we have GG Chauncey, Grandpa Guy, Grandma Jill, Kyle, Nattie and Beckett, Great Uncle Nick, GG Eddie and GG Pyllis. Thanks for coming!

Momma with her birthday boy...

And here are a few from earlier this week. Natalie getting a slobbery kiss from Bella and Daddy on opening day (Sept. 1). He is bow hunting this year and gets to start in September instead of October. It seems a little more challenging but also a lot of fun...he went up for a few nights this weekend and was nearly trampled by three moose who were charging and did not see him! He had his camo on and had to stand up and yell and scream to get them to divert heir path!

Well, Natalie starts preschool again tomorrow, still 2 days a week. She is so excited! We're also really excited to head to Colorado for a baby shower and family gt together this weekend. We'll get to visit with a lot of the McMillan family and Aunt Karrie and Cousin Madison. Road trip...again!!! We're getting to be pros. I've also been canning garden goods like crazy...three batches of salsa, zucchini-corn relish and a new zucchini relish recipe tonight. It's really a lot of fun, though very time consuming...which means it has to be done at night after the kiddos are in bed. My back is doing much better and am back to exercising with no problems. Hope you all are happy and healthy (wash your hands TONS to avoid flu. Lots of friends and family already getting sick). Hugs to all.
It was a GREAT party! Thank you for all the yummy food and good time we had. Your canning is GREAT too. The Salsa is almost gone it is so yummy you can't make it last you just gota keep eating it. I love you! I am sending love and HUGS!
Looks like a good time! I think that the cake was great!
Hey Beautiful!! Happy Birthday to your baby!! Your cake looks pro!
Miss seeing you come by and play!
an party to remember
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