This week the weather has been a bit warmer and our spring spirits are returning (even though it will get very cold again soon!). We've had a great week playing with each other, visiting with friends and accomplishing goals, and we're looking forward to Grammie's visit next week. I've just been feeling so blessed this week! Our good friends' new baby got to come home from more than a week in the ICU in Billings with a respiratory infection, so that was also great news. I also started journaling again this week and have found it very fulfilling. I told Kyle it may be the path to writing my collection of short stories I hope to someday publish...dreams are good, right? He he he.
Anyway, Beckett's teeth are still bothering him a bit, so some nights have not been too good. I've been on the couch for almost two weeks to be closer to his new room, and Kyle helped relieve me a lot this weekend. He's here now but may have to go to Arkansas to work for a few weeks. How strange would that be? I told him I just know his teeth are going to drop out and he'll fall in love with some long lost cousin if he goes! It's just a possibility, but hopefully it would happen while my mom is here to help!
Beckett turned 5 months old yesterday and just keeps growing and growing. He's grown almost 6 inches in 5 months! He wears a lot of 9-12 month outfits already, but I've been told boys just seem to grow faster in the beginning in general. He is starting to really laugh a lot and be more involved with Natalie, and she enjoys that a lot. Here are some photos I took this week. I plan on tweaking and framing a few.
Those picutures are definately keepers. I am still in ahh over how fast that little man is growing!
WOW what a treat to see my wonderful GRANDKIDS. I really needed an uplift and you came thru with it. GREAT pictures. I love you all. I send love and hugs.
Thanks for another great visit with my grandkids! Great job Jess. Really....thanks so much for your commitment of time and energy. It is not easy I am sure.
Nattie is just the cutest big sister! And, your man Beckett sure makes Blake look short. I'll pass the word along to my mom that Mister Beckett will treat all his ladies with respect :) I do love the pictures, though.
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