This week has been full of new adventures...mainly eating for Beckett. He'll be 6 months old next week and is just starting to like cereal. He's eaten a whole bowl for the last several days and has a lot of fun playing with the new texture in his mouth. He's just such a happy boy when he gets his sleep and is not battling teeth.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
The Days of Our Lives...
This week has been full of new adventures...mainly eating for Beckett. He'll be 6 months old next week and is just starting to like cereal. He's eaten a whole bowl for the last several days and has a lot of fun playing with the new texture in his mouth. He's just such a happy boy when he gets his sleep and is not battling teeth.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
A Sad Goodbye
And here is an adorable video of Beckett falling asleep in his bouncer. He's done it twice so far, and it is so cute. He's not been sleeping well at night the last week or so, maybe his teeth since that one has still not poked through! He just drools constantly and chews on anything, mostly his little hands, to the point that the entire front of his shirts are wet. Poor little guy. The last two nights he was up at least 8 times each night, so last night I finally broke down and put him in bed with me. I know we just got him to sleep in his own crib, but I needed some more rest.
I met with some people at the hospital yesterday after getting approval from the county commissioners Tuesday to form a citizen's group to help bring more family doctors to Worland. Both of our doctors, whom we absolutely loved, left Worland in the last few years, and we need a better system to keep them here. I am tired of trying to find people I trust with my kids or debating whether or not to drive 2 hours to a bigger hospital. Anyway, both the hospital and county commissioners think it's a great idea, and I'm working with our local business development asosciation to get some funding. We'll see what pans out in the next few weeks...
We're going to have a quiet weekend at home, and Daddy should hopefully be back tomorrow! He's been really busy in North Dakota, and it is not warm up there to say the least. Baby Gracie is home from the hospital and recovering well, as is her sister with a bad ear infection. I wish I could run up there and help you, Suzi! Just remember you have so much love being sent your way and tons of people near and far who are thinking about you guys. Those of you with small kids be ware of the RSV virus this seems to be especially bad this year. We hope you all had a good week and can enjoy a relaxing weekend. And to my dearest Bee, thanks so much for your words of wisdom this week. You are stronger and more beautiful than you know. Hugs to all.
"From the rocking horse to the rocking chair, friendship keeps teaching us about being human." ~Letty Cottin Pogrebin, American writer
Sunday, February 15, 2009
We've had a busy week around here, but we've really enjoyed having Grammie here to help and visit, and momma and daddy actually got to go out on a date night! It was super fun, complete with interesting and highly entertaining conversation. We joined the Forshee's Friday night at the Trapper Creek Lodge and Supper Club for a "Nathan/Kyle/Adrienne birthday /Valentine dinner." We had not visited with them (nor been out without children) for quite a while, so it was a blast to just relax, have a glass of wine and "talk big kid talk." We stopped in Greybull on the way home and ran into some other friends, so we got to catch up with a lot of people that night. We actually stayed out past midnight, which I told Grammie I don't remember the last time I was up that late. We thank Grammie a ton for watching the kids so late and are grateful for our time with good friends.
Our beautiful babes are doing well and growing strong. Beckett rolled over a few times again this week, and he's starting to sleep through the night more often than not. Nattie got a hair cut the other day, which was supposed to be just a trim, but momma got a little carried away and it ended up a bob cut. Regardless, she looks adorable and loves it. No matter what, it's easier to comb, which makes it all worth it!
We got back from Hyattville this afternoon after celebrating Grandma Phyllis's birthday last night and staying over to go to church this morning. We had a big family dinner that was delicious and even got to enjoy some music by Aunt Pam and Uncle Terry. It is really fun to hear them play their strings together. We also got a special visit with Uncle Nick and Great Grandpa Chauncey at Jill's this morning.
Natalie and Grammie making chocolate sugar cookies for Grandma Phyllis...
She started to help feed Beckett this week, and he has started feeding himself sometimes, too.
"Close friends contribute to our personal growth. They also contribute to our personal pleasure, making the music sound sweeter, the wine taste richer, the laughter ring louder because they are there." ~Judith Viorst
Thursday, February 5, 2009
This week the weather has been a bit warmer and our spring spirits are returning (even though it will get very cold again soon!). We've had a great week playing with each other, visiting with friends and accomplishing goals, and we're looking forward to Grammie's visit next week. I've just been feeling so blessed this week! Our good friends' new baby got to come home from more than a week in the ICU in Billings with a respiratory infection, so that was also great news. I also started journaling again this week and have found it very fulfilling. I told Kyle it may be the path to writing my collection of short stories I hope to someday publish...dreams are good, right? He he he.
Anyway, Beckett's teeth are still bothering him a bit, so some nights have not been too good. I've been on the couch for almost two weeks to be closer to his new room, and Kyle helped relieve me a lot this weekend. He's here now but may have to go to Arkansas to work for a few weeks. How strange would that be? I told him I just know his teeth are going to drop out and he'll fall in love with some long lost cousin if he goes! It's just a possibility, but hopefully it would happen while my mom is here to help!
Beckett turned 5 months old yesterday and just keeps growing and growing. He's grown almost 6 inches in 5 months! He wears a lot of 9-12 month outfits already, but I've been told boys just seem to grow faster in the beginning in general. He is starting to really laugh a lot and be more involved with Natalie, and she enjoys that a lot. Here are some photos I took this week. I plan on tweaking and framing a few.