Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We had a blessed holiday filled with Tharp and McMillan Family from all over. We missed our Brooks Family! I didn't get as many pictures as I normally do because we were busy getting ready for 20 people at our house for Christmas dinner, but the few I got are cute! We have been busy these last few months with Natalie's last year of Preschool, first year of playing soccer, Momma working part-time at a daycare and taking on some freelance writing work, Beckett and his obsession with being a cowboy, riding our pony Chocolate and training our new puppy Abby. We are busy but feel so blessed to have so much to do and two beautiful, healthy children. We hope your 2011 will be a great year!

Cousin Madison pulling Natalie up the sledding hill! Nebraska girls are strong!

Three cousins: Madison, Natalie and Beckett

Natalie sledding with Kale (I think). In Hyattville we had two sets of twins sledding with us!

Grandma Jill and Madison riding Buford.

Abby in the $2 Christmas dress my friend convinced me to get her... right before she ate it off of herself!

Chocolate "frosted" on a very cold morning last week.

Beckett trying on his new cowboy chaps Christmas Day.


Santa's special apple he left for Beckett, since that was the only thing he asked for all season!

Miss Nattie

Nattie showing off the special note he left her and Beckett...

They LOVE books!!!