In addition to getting packed and the house cleaned before we go, I've spent the last two weekends at craft fairs with my jewelry, which went well. I managed to get some more stuff made in between, so that was nice. Grandma Jill and Grandpa Guy were huge helpers by taking Natalie for both Saturdays, so the only one I had to tote around was Beckett. He's sure a draw to get people to come to my table!
Anyway, we also had company this weekend. My good friend Lauren from college came down to visit with her new baby girl, Blake. They live in Montana, and Blake is almost exactly one month older than Beckett. She was born Aug. 5 and he was Sept. 4, so it was really fun to get them together. Natalie kept calling her "Baby Two." I guess she expects we're just going to keep collecting the little ones, so we'll have to number them! Lauren and Blake spent the night Friday and headed to the craft fair with us Saturday morning, and we had a lot of fun. Lauren is such a good new mommy!
Speaking of new mommies...welcome Gracie Ella! Our other good friend from college, Suzi, had her second baby girl last Monday, and we can't wait to meet her! We miss you guys tons and hope all is going well at home. We'll see you soon!!!
Kyle had to head up to North Dakota for a few days but came home last night. Iwasn't lonely though, because I had a hot date Saturday night! After we got done cleaning up the craft fair, my friend Amanda came over for dinner and a movie, which was so much fun. We've had no big snows here yet, but probably will have some by the time we get back. Well, here are a few pictures from the last two weeks (thanks Brune!). We hope you all have a wonderful holiday and remember how truly blessed we all are! Hugs to all.