"We must become the change we want to see in the world." ~ Mahatma GandhiWell, I can't believe how the days are flying by! Kyle went back to work this week and my mom has come out to visit and help out. She has been so great at entertaining Natalie that I'm afraid she'll be bored to tears when Grammie leaves! Beckett is doing great and loves to watch and learn from his big sister. It is so sweet to see her want to interact with him, and for the most part she is very careful.
Some fall weather returned this week, but it was nice and sunny last week and through the weekend. Kyle and I went out on a nice ride Saturday in the hills, and it was so much fun- except for me being a little sore the next day! It felt great to be "back in the saddle," so to speak! We are headed to Cody Thursday and Friday for a water seminar Kyle has to take (he's on our rural water board for the county), so I get to go with him and have some time alone with Beckett while Grammie and Natalie hang out at home and go to school.

I think he looks more like Kyle every day!

Bath time in the kitchen sink...

And here is the pictureI took and tweaked on the computer to make into his first baby picture. I won't get the prints for a few days, but I put a nice border on it and changed the color to sepia, which is black and white with brown tones. I did the same for Natalie's first picture, so I can't wait to hang his next to hers.

And here is the little man with his grandmas. They have both been so helpful the last few weeks.
Not much else is new here...just adjusting to life as a bigger family. I am totally convinced that two is so much better than one (Curt and Diane, see how lucky you are right from the beginning?). I am constantly amazed that I can love two little beings more and more each day, and we truly, truly feel so blessed. I'm going to try and update more than once a week, but no promises any time soon! We hope all is well with everyone, and we look forward to seeing those far away over the next few months so you can see how Natalie has grown and meet her new side-kick. Have a blessed week and hugs to all.
"The best and most beautiful things in life cannot be seen, not touched, but are felt in the heart." ~ Helen Keller