And of courseshe had to have another pony ride...
In other news, we only have 7 weeks left until we get to meet Baby Beckett (hopefully less)! He is very active now, so I have a feeling he may be early. It feels like he does jumping jacks and summer saults...a lot more than Natalie ever did. However, he still lets me sleep most of the night, so that's a good sign. I go to the doc every 2 weeks now, and everything looks really good.
We also have a new neighbor...we rented out our little cabin to a guy Kyle works with. He's very friendly and loves animals, so he fits in well. He's been looking for a house but has not found what he wants yet, so he'll probably be here through the winter. His name is Ted, and our dogs love him and never bark at him, which is strange. It is a nice comfort to know someone else will be here to help me if I ever need it while Kyle is gone.
Not much else is new with us...just getting anxious about the new baby. Natalie will have her open house for preschool next week and she is excited beyond belief! She'll start going 2 days a week at the end of August. She's just changed so much over the last few months I'm having a harder time with it than I thought I would! She moved out of diapers and into a big girl bed and will now start school, all since February. She's also gotten so much taller recently! Good thing I'll have another baby to cuddle for a while soon. Hope you all are having a good summer and safe travels, wherever you may be. Hugs to all.